Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  B168  ·  Cocoon Nebula  ·  HD206963  ·  HD207031  ·  HD207350  ·  HD207529  ·  HD207608  ·  HD207886  ·  HD208362  ·  HD208394  ·  IC 5146  ·  LBN 424  ·  LDN 1020  ·  LDN 1024  ·  LDN 1030  ·  LDN 1031  ·  LDN 1035  ·  LDN 1040  ·  LDN 1042  ·  LDN 1045  ·  LDN 1047  ·  LDN 1052  ·  LDN 1055  ·  Sh2-125  ·  VdB147
Cocoon nebula - IC5146, Simon
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Cocoon nebula - IC5146

Cocoon nebula - IC5146, Simon
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Cocoon nebula - IC5146



Acquisition details



There are some issues with this camera - and it has since failed - the main concern being large background drop outs, which are hard to process out. Another insurance claim it seems! As that is so, this was not straightforward to process, but I did what I could, and all things considered it turned out ok. This was 64 subs at 4 minutes long each, which totals an integration time of  4 hours and 16 minutes. Thanks everyone...


Sky plot

Sky plot


Cocoon nebula - IC5146, Simon